I noticed that there was some fabric wrapped around a light pole in the Arts District and I sought out to find out who was behind this mystery. So I stopped by a few of the stores and it was still a mystery to the local merchants. My friend, Deborah Willard from
Willy Nilly (see link to Blog Post) took up this quest for knowledge and she took some photos and posted them on Facebook to find some answers. One of the responders to her facebook page remembers someone talking about someone who was going to engage in some "yarn bombing" in recognition of the Six Days in November Celebration. At first, I assumed it was in conjunction with the Fiber Company, however, I stopped by their store and they did not know the yarnbomber's identity.
I found this link about yarnbombing.
http://yarnbombing.com/ as well as this wikipedia page dedicated to the topic -
So, maybe the mystery should remain unsolved. If it is, I promise to let you know. But for now, this is just another reason to enjoy the serendipity of downtown in the Arts District of downtown Winston-Salem.
Special fabric of unknown origin on the streetlamp in the Arts District at the Northwest corner of 6th and Trade.
See a post about this by another local blogger here:
Don't know if it started with this, but an artist dressed the Wall Street bull in yarn last winter.
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